i can't hide...Tivo is Watching me, and he knows what i like.

    Don't you ever wonder how advertisers come up with all these ideas for adverts that attract us. of course not all adverts are interesting and attract us, but there are many that do. How do they know?... Advertisers and television industries seek information such as whats in style, what are peoples interests, what attracts people, basically, what people want and look for. But how do they get this information? what are their sources? 
    For those of you that don't know, Tivo is an electrical device connected by satellite and various cables which enables one to pause, or record a TV/movie on the TV. why would anyone want this?, well you can basically record your favorite tv show leave and come back and watch it whenever you want to. I personally have a device which does the same thing (YES max). Why is this also good? Well we all know how frustrating it is when your watching your favorite show on tv, and then all of a sudden it stops half way and long, boring, Series of adverts flash across your screen instead of your TV show. This is why something like Tivo would come in handy, you can just skip all those ads with the fast forward button... isn't life Easy!?!
   Of course this is a major blow to all those advertising companies that spend a lot of money on the adverts they make. according to the article, more and more people skip 70% of the adverts while watching a recorded video. What we don't know is that Tivo is "tracking" us. yes, exactly what i just said. In fact, because Tivo is connected to a satellite in enables Tivo (the company) to tract the adverts that one might skip or watch. why is this important to them? well, of course this gives them exactly what they want: what adverts attract or draw people in.
     Why would this information be critical to advertisers or television programs? well it's simple, if they know what we skip, they'll know what type of adverts not to make... if they know what isn't skipped, they know what type of adverts to make. with this they can bring the rate of commercials that are viewed higher.... now of course ads get boring, and eventually you think once you've seen the ad once or twice you'll just skip it next time...Ah, but they've got that covered, because they are still tracking what you watch and what you skip, telling them what to make next....it's a never ending cycle.

    Tivo is able to provide this data because of it's functioning requirements, it's connected to a satellite...they can then take the information they get and sell it to advertising businesses. Recording digital videos has really changed the course of advertisement, and affected both viewers and advertisers. Avertisers have "inside" information about what people like and don't life...and views become more and more attracted to advertisement, making them more and more exposed to the media and products..

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