A day Of Scilence ( without Media)

Friday, a Normal school day
      I spent the whole day without Media, believe it or not. ( except when we had to watch a movie in Anatomy). I woke up In the morning, took my shower, and for once i didn't use my hair straightener, I thought i would go mad. I got to school, and I didn't bring my laptop. I felt so lost in class trying to keep up with what everyone was doing. I don't listen to Music much, and I don't listen to my ipod. During school the only difficult part was not using my laptop, and not being able to read the magazine Balint got me from England. 
     Friday night was more difficult, because that's when i usually go out, and need to use my phone. But luckily i managed without. The whole day i felt like something was missing, or like i had forgotten something. I guess that using the media makes me feel "found" or even secure, like i know whats going on. I missed Using my laptop the most, because it's how i communicate with people, especially since i live in a completely different area than everyone else.  
     It's not so difficult for me to find what to do without Media... I spend most of my time sitting alone staring at things, or watching people. I spend a lot of my time thinking about life and how it works, the small details that people miss, or the beauty and complexity of everything around us. Maybe it's because i'm a very artistic person and like to learn from whats around me. I spent a lot of my time drawing and writing, talking to people and socializing. Although for the first part of my day i felt a bit insecure, as the day went on i enjoyed myself more than ever.
     I wasn't able to avoid every single media that came my way, it's difficult when other people rely on you and things need to get done. But at the End of the day i felt accomplished, I felt that i don't really need to use as much media as i do and that i can get so much more done without it. Overall I loved it, and i call it a day of silence because it was a relaxing day without movies and what not.

Digital Library: the joke of the year

     I Must admit, it's very impressive that the world of today has progressed to this degree of technology. However, I do not agree that this Digital library is a good idea. Of course it is probably easier and faster, but that's not the point of research. Things aren't supposed to come to us so easily and this new library is making students lazy. Yes, it is what the world has come to and there is no stopping it now, but honestly, can't some things stay the same?
     I don't know what these ebooks look like, and i haven't read from them, but i know that reading online isn't the best. After a while your eyes start hurting and you get distracted, especially since the internet offers such a wide range of websites and channels. I prefer to hold my book when i'm reading it, Flip through the pages and smell the smell of old parchment. It makes me feel accomplished when i finish a book, and when i'm online i can't keep myself concentrated and i skim most of the pages. Yes the world is more advanced and we all have to keep up, but we need to keep a few things before we reach the limit.
      I agree with the second comment, about how badly this is. This new digital library isn't a library, it's an internet cafe. the whole point of a library is to have options between books, mags, interned, etc. I do not want to be come a zombie. It is difficult to research with books, but I'm talking about pleasure reading.